Featured Researches

Mesoscopic ultrafast nonlinear optics—The emergence of multimode quantum non-Gaussian physics
R. Yanagimoto*, E. Ng*, M. Jankowski, R. Nehra, T. P. McKenna, T. Onodera, L. G. Wright, R. Hamerly, A. Marandi, M. M. Fejer, H. Mabuchi, arXiv:2311.13775
Quantum nondemolition measurements with optical parametric amplifiers for ultrafast universal quantum information processing
R. Yanagimoto*, R. Nehra*, R. Hamerly, E. Ng, A. Marandi, H. Mabuchi, PRX Quantum 4, 010333 (2023).
Temporal trapping: a route to strong coupling and deterministic optical quantum computation
R. Yanagimoto, E. Ng, M. Jankowski, H. Mabuchi, R. Hamerly, Optica 9, 1289 (2022).
Onset of non-Gaussian quantum physics in pulsed squeezing with mesoscopic fields
R. Yanagimoto*, E. Ng*, A. Yamamura, T. Onodera, L. G. Wright, M. Jankowski, M. M. Fejer, P. L. McMahon, H. Mabuchi, Optica 9, 379 (2022).
Efficient simulation of ultrafast quantum nonlinear optics with matrix product states
R. Yanagimoto, E. Ng, L. G. Wright, T. Onodera, H. Mabuchi, Optica 8, 1306 (2021).
Broadband Parametric Downconversion as a Discrete-Continuum Fano Interaction
R. Yanagimoto*, E. Ng*, M. Jankowski, T. Onodera, M. M. Fejer, H. Mabuchi, arXiv:2009.01457.
Engineering a Kerr-Based Deterministic Cubic Phase Gate via Gaussian Operations
R. Yanagimoto*, T. Onodera*, E. Ng, L. G. Wright, P. L. McMahon, H. Mabuchi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 240503(2020).Other Researches

Using system-reservoir methods to derive effective field theories for broadband nonlinear quantum optics: a case study on cascaded quadratic nonlinearities
C. Gustin*, R. Yanagimoto*, E. Ng, T. Onodera, H. Mabuchi, arXiv:2311.03597
Quantum noise dynamics in nonlinear pulse propagation
E. Ng*, R. Yanagimoto*, M. Jankowski, M. M. Fejer, H. Mabuchi, arXiv:2307.05464
Engineering cubic quantum nondemolition Hamiltonian with mesoscopic optical parametric interactions
R. Yanagimoto*, R. Nehra*, E. Ng, A. Marandi, H. Mabuchi, arXiv:2305.03260
Towards an engineering framework for ultrafast quantum nonlinear optics
R. Yanagimoto*, E. Ng*, T. Onodera, H. Mabuchi, Proc. SPIE 11684, Ultrafast Phenomena and Nanophotonics XXV, 116841D (2021).
Adiabatic Fock-state-generation scheme using Kerr nonlinearity
R. Yanagimoto, E. Ng, T. Onodera, H. Mabuchi, Phys. Rev. A 100, 033822 (2019).
Embedding entanglement generation within a measurement-feedback coherent Ising machine
R. Yanagimoto, P. L. McMahon, E. Ng, T. Onodera, H. Mabuchi, arXiv:1906.04902.
Modeling light shifts in optical lattice clocks
N. Nemitz, A. A. Jørgensen, R. Yanagimoto, F. Bregolin, H. Katori, Phys. Rev. A 99, 033424 (2019).
Nonlinear optical response of a local surface plasmon coupled to a 2D material
D. B. S. Soh, R. Yanagimoto, E. Chatterjee, H. Mabuchi, arXiv:1902.06943.